Hello every body! Whether your vegan or not, sometimes we run into a situation where we’ve run out of eggs. If you have flax in your house you are saved my friends, because today I’m going to teach you how to use ground flax seed as an egg replacer.

I only recommend using this with recipes that call for 1 egg, if you start doubling up things start to get messy…or mushy… I’ll have a story for you in Monday’s blog post about my fail muffins.


Ground Flax Seed


Ground Flax Seed and Water


The ratio is as follows:

1 tbsp ground flax seed: 3 tbsp cold water

Ground Flax and Water

Give that a stir, stick it in your fridge and leave it alone for 15 minutes

What the heck is that right? PUT IT BACK. Wait 15 minutes, I’m not kidding.

flax in water

This is the consistency it should be your 15 minutes!

Now you’re probably wondering why it looks like a lot more than 1 tbsp of flax, that is because I am not very smart. I thought if a recipe called for 3 eggs I could just multiply the ratio to 3 tbsp flax: 9 tbsp water – DO NOT DO THIS. Only use this in a recipe that calls for one egg. Otherwise you’re going to ruin a perfectly good dozen of muffins. More on that Monday.

Thank you for reading, as always please don’t forget to click the share button down below and like my Facebook fanpage here:


Have an amazing weekend everybody! God bless xoxo

– Kristin